
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Track running (Sunday, August 28)

Filed under: Cass' training blog - martial arts, weights, running — feyMorgaina @ 03:02

Nathan and I decided to do some track running yesterday (Sunday) instead of the trail run.

We did a nice easy run around the track once together, then a half mile together (2 laps). We did the half mile in about 5 minutes, a bit slow but we wanted to take it easy and be able to run a bit more. After the 2 laps, we walked once around the track and then ran the last one. In total, we covered one mile mostly running. After taking a short break, I decided to run one fast one. My time for 400 m yesterday was 1 minute 44 seconds, so far my best time for that distance. My previous best time was 1 minute 48 seconds. I took another short break and decided to try another half mile a little faster than the one we did together. I managed to do this in 4 minutes 33 seconds a few seconds slower than the half mile I did at the gym, but actually pretty good considering I already did so much running.

I feel good about yesterday’s run. Now, it seems to be mostly my left quad that feels a little sore. It’s a strange soreness though, at the top of my quad rather than in the center. My calves feel good and they seem to be building up from the running. Overall, I feel good and think I look good from the running. 🙂 Most importantly though, I feel I am gradually improving both speed and endurance.

My right knee was a little uncomfortable on my last lap of the night, but I managed to keep running steadily. Hopefully, it was just that I hadn’t done any running for a few days that made me knee feel a little shaky. The running usually makes my knee feel stronger.

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