
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Do jang and gym day (Thursday, September 1)

Filed under: Cass' training blog - martial arts, weights, running — feyMorgaina @ 01:03

What with the Film Festival coming up, I didn’t make it to the do jang as much this week. As it turned out, I went in Thursday and found out the do jang is closed all weekend starting Friday and won’t be open again until Tuesday. 🙁 It figures. Just when I had a Friday free to go to gumdo class and learn my new patterns.

At least I got some exercise though. Thursday, I took gumdo class and then taekwondo. I was feeling a little sluggish, but probably because I hadn’t been in all week (spent about a day and a half looking at film descriptions trying to pick movies to see at the Festival). Then I went to the gym to do some treadmill running. I really notice a difference between the treadmill, the track, and the road. The treadmill does have its benefits though, primarily it lets me know how fast I’m running at any point.

I did a half mile on the treadmill at about 4 minutes 22 seconds. Then I went to do the leg press as my knee was acting up on me recently. Then I did the hamstring flex. Afterwards, I decided I felt like doing another run. This time I managed to do a half mile in 4 minutes 18 seconds which I think is my best so far. I started at 7 mph and increased it to about 7.6 mph for most of it. So far, I think that is my best time for a half mile. I’ll have to see if I can do that at the track as well. I also have to work on the endurance soon. So, maybe try 3 laps at the track next time (3/4 miles).

After the treadmill, I did some more weight training. Here’s the list:

Hip adductors
Hip abductors
Pull-ups (again military and parallel)
Chest press
Bar pulls (works the muscles next to the scapulae on the back)
Pectoral press
Shoulder fly
Shoulder lift
Back extensor
Leg lifts
Bicep curl
Tricep extensor

I also did my variation 100 pushups (normal, fist, hands together, hands far apart). Then of course, I stretched out a bit. I was feeling quite needy for a stretch and it felt good. My muscles were beginning to feel tight.

Tomorrow I’m hoping to get alot of track running in.

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