
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Review: Fourwar

Filed under: Books — feyMorgaina @ 00:59

Fourwar by Nathaniel Simpson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Being a close friend of the author, I first read this novel when it was in an early draft. At the time, I was focused on checking it for minor typos; thus, it was kind of hard to let myself get absorbed in the story. I remember some elements of the story that made it highly amusing. I think there is potential for world/universe-building here and for more stories. That being said, I plan on reading this story again since it’s in its finalized version, and then spending some time on a proper review (and maybe come up with some more story ideas to throw the author’s way; I’m working on writing my first novel now and would like to write one with Nathaniel). I gave this novel 3 out of 5 stars for now pending a proper review (the rating might go up; I gave this novel at least a 3 also to avoid accusations of being a biased reviewer because I personally know the author; hence my needing to do a proper review) and also as a way to let people know they just might want to read this story. 🙂

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