
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Spring has sprung and Happy Birthday Nate!

Filed under: General — feyMorgaina @ 00:28


Finally, it’s spring!

I’m a summer child so I’m always looking forward to this time of year. The weather gets a little warmer each day while the sun begins to increase in strength. We get a little more sunlight each day.

The equinox was on Sunday, March 20th, the same day as Nathan‘s (my sweetie’s) birthday. So there was much to celebrate. We ended up heading out for a nice dessert at a good dessert restaurant. Yum! After not having food for a few days and still recovering, the ice cream crepe was a little too sugary for me, however, it was still yummy. Aside from that, much of Sunday was spent taking it easy and enjoying the day. A nice needed rest from the hectic schedule me and my sweetie keep.

I’m still in recovery mode, I’m afraid, so will have to say…

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