
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Do jang day – April 18, 2006

Filed under: Cass' training blog - martial arts, weights, running — feyMorgaina @ 03:34


I went to the do jang today. I had to go for gumdo and taekwondo class. As it turns out, I get to test for my next colour belt for gumdo on Friday. πŸ˜€

I also have to get ready soon for the black belt test in July. I can’t believe in less than three months, I have to run a 10k. Eek! I should go for a run tomorrow. I need to run a good 1.5 miles.

Taekwondo class was good. Same old kicking stuff, but more advanced kicks these days – lots of tornado kicks. πŸ™‚

Anyway, I have to pay for my black belt test and my gumdo test. I promised myself that I will go train on Thursday for gumdo and taekwondo. Friday, I will take the gumdo class before the test to warm myself up.

After gumdo and taekwondo class, I stayed around to practice my gumdo stuff some more. People are so distracting in the do jang sometimes. A little more training, a little less chatting would be nice.

When I got home, I practiced some more candle begi on two candles.

Anyway, tomorrow I should try to get a run in. I also need to get some more work done. I’m a little behind, I know, but all in it’s own time. *sigh* Just too much to do again.

Being fit and healthy is not a life goal – it’s a life
Brigid’s Flame

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