
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Less than a day left…

Filed under: Cass' training blog - martial arts, weights, running — feyMorgaina @ 15:24


I went to the do jang a little later yesterday. I went after the class was over, so I could use the do jang space to practice my patterns and one-step sparring. I practiced some kicks and then went home. I decided no more running until the test or I might be too tired. Need to let the legs rest a bit.

I studied some terminology last night. Tonight, I think I will just go over things briefly and study some more history and terminology.

Last night, I also burned a CD with some trance/dance music for the run. We are running on a track – very boring! – so I decided to bring some music to listen to so I don’t get too bored. Usually when I run, it’s on the street so I have things to look at and it makes the running easier. On the track, we’ll see the same thing for 25 laps. (The track is 400 m – 400×25=10km.) Anyway, I’m hoping I can run most of the 10k. The longest distance I’ve run so far is 5.7 km.

After the run, we have our black belt test where we’ll do our patterns, one-steps, some kicks, breaking techniques, and full-contact sparring – and did I mention we have to 1000 skips after the run? Eek! Long day ahead tomorrow. I can’t eat much with all the activity, so I bought tons of juice mixes and some protein stuff to drink (soy milk). Tonight (around 6-ish), I’m going to have a bowl of pasta – that should give me the carbs for tomorrow. I have to be in bed by 10 p.m. the latest, and I’m such a night owl.

I’m washing my do boks, so they’re all fresh and clean for tomorrow and Sunday’s demo. 😀

Okay, got to go get some more stuff done.

I’ll be back next week with full recap of the 10k run, test, and the demo. I can’t wait until it’s all over.

Official countdown: 14 hours left and counting…

Your local black belt (2nd dan candidate)
Brigid’s Flame

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