
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


I have a heart murmur!

Filed under: General — feyMorgaina @ 12:35


I recently found out that I have a heart murmur.

While I’m pretty sure that this is a minor thing, I am having testing to check out if there is anything serious. So far I’ve done a blood test and an electrocardiogram (ECG). Tuesday, I’m going to have an echocardiogram done. Since I found out about the heart murmur while trying to get into a medical study, I’m pretty sure the blood test and ECG will be fine. I’m not quite sure how an echocardiogram works and how the results are interpreted but I think the odds are there isn’t anything terribly wrong with my heart. I’ve been doing martial arts so far for almost 6 years and nothing serious has happened to me (aside from the knee injury). Basically, it seems as if this heart murmur has been with me my whole life and isn’t an indicator of any serious heart condition.

So, on Tuesday I will be having an echocardiogram and then will have to see the doctor for the results 2 weeks after.

Meanwhile, I’ve been told by the doctor that I can keep with my regular exercise schedule.

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