
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Running and Gym Day – August 17, 2006

Filed under: Cass' training blog - martial arts, weights, running — feyMorgaina @ 12:16


I went for another run yesterday. I ran one mile in 8 minutes 7 seconds – a little slow, but I was feeling a little bloated.

Later that day, I went to the gym for some more cardio and some weight training.

First, I did the elliptical (I was going to use the bicycle, but they were all taken). I did 10 minutes on the elliptical, then went to do some weight training. I figure 18 minutes in total for cardio was good enough that day.

Leg lifts
Pull-ups (aka chin-ups, military and parallel)
Leg press
Hamstring flexor (called seated leg curls)
Hip adductors
Hip abductors
Seated row
Seated chest press
Pectoral fly
Shoulder fly
Shoulder lift (this is called the shoulder press)
Back extensor

Free weights:
Situps (on a incline bench; worked out the obliques as well by doing double punches during the situp)
Bicep curls
Weighted squats

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