
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Running day – September 27, 2006

Filed under: Cass' training blog - martial arts, weights, running — feyMorgaina @ 01:52


I went for a run. It has been a while since I did some serious running, so I decided to head out on my mile and a half route. I ended up running most of it, and walked the last quarter mile. My time for the first part was 8 minutes 51 seconds. Walking the last quarter mile took 4 minutes 56 seconds.

The change in weather the past month has affected my motivation to run. I think my body just wants to hibernate. It is the dark time of the year again. It’s funny how I always feel better after the winter solstice – it’s the waning sunlight that affects me. The 10k run at my do jang is around the first week of November, so I’ll have to push up the running. This time we are running in the evening. That will suit me better considering my nocturnal habits. 🙂

Hopefully, next week I can motivate myself better and get out for some longer runs. Things feel like they are settling down a bit, and the exercise will help. I just have to keep my goal in mind.

Brigid’s Flame

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