
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Newly Neophyted!

Filed under: Paganism and Spirituality — feyMorgaina @ 09:10


I got home last night around 9:30 p.m. Yay, I could eat again! Nathan was making chili. As it was not done cooking yet, I had some leftovers and then some chili a little later. It was yummy. I didn’t eat much as usually it is best to take it slow with the food after a fast. I ended up falling asleep early and waking up today at 3 a.m.

Last night was my Neophyting. For this I had to fast for 24 hours prior to it. Although I cannot describe the Neophyting on here, I will say that the fast added to the experience of it. It did make it easier for me to trance out. Unfortunately, this made my brain blank out a few times during the Neophyting! At least I didn’t pass out and end up on the floor. I’m finally a Neophyte.

“What’s a Neophyte?” In the Odyssean tradition of Wicca, a Neophyte is a student of the tradition who can perform practical and some magical aspects of ritual. A Neophyte is capable of leading a ritual under guidance of a teacher (Priest or Priestess). A Neophyte has learned the basics of Wicca. Essentially, “neophyte” means “novice”. A Neophyte isn’t a true beginner as a Neophyte has some knowledge of Wicca. To be a Neophyte is to take the first step towards reaching Priesthood by making a commitment. To be a Neophyte also means that the student has taken their first oaths to the deities of Wicca. After becoming a Neophyte, advanced work must be done before the student can become part of Priesthood.

The Odyssean tradition of Wicca, the tradition of the Wiccan Church of Canada (WCC), is a unique tradition in that there is a neophyte stage. Most covens do not have this stage. A Neophyte in the Odyssean tradition generally meets the requirements of first degree Priesthood in other traditions and private covens. The reason for this is simply because the WCC is a public church and its Priesthood must deal with the public. Priesthood of private covens do not generally have to deal with the public – they may choose to, but they are not public clergy. A consequence of the WCC being a public church is that the training must be stricter. This will allow students to develop not only the traditional training needed to lead rituals, but also to be part of a public clergy. Additionally, many people would seek out the WCC because they seek power. Having stricter training weeds out those who seek power because they generally would not be patient enough to go through the long training required. Also, I suspect the additional time required gives the teacher time to adequately judge if the student has these ulterior motives for joining Priesthood. (For more information about this, please read A Brief History of the WCC and the Odyssean Tradition.)

So, I’m finally a Neophyte. I’m sure many of friends and acquaintances will probably say “About time!” seeing as I’ve been a member of the WCC for about as long as I’ve been doing taekwondo (and I have a second dan black belt now). However, I needed to be sure I wanted to make this commitment. I was already committed to the gods, but being committed to a public church is a whole other story. There is a lot of work involved even once a student reaches Priesthood. However, I’m happy. It is something I needed to do. Of course, there is more work to do to reach Priesthood (my teacher promises to give me some soon). I suspect it’s somewhat more interesting work. Additionally, I’m now officially qualified to teach a public class at WCC if I wish to volunteer. 🙂

Life is getting interesting.

Brigid’s Flame

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    Comment by Jaime — 2006/10/11 @ 18:31

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