
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Ten-day Whirlwind of Craziness


The start of Samhain week was just the start of my ten-day spree of craziness. After the Samhain festivities were over with (at least that I went to), I had to go to the do jang and help with the black belt test.

Originally, I was planning on running the 10k again, but I wasn’t planning on being sick and exhausted from a busy week. I headed out to the track to check up on the people running the 10k. It was dark by then. The run was scheduled for 6 p.m. Deciding I shouldn’t even try to run (Nathan’s orders), we headed to the do jang. When I got there I found out the black belt test was Friday and Saturday, not Saturday and Sunday. I had left my uniform at home and had to go back to get it. I had an hour and a half still to go home and come back, so Nathan and I decided to go eat dinner and then head home. I got back to the do jang just at 8 p.m. The black belt testees were doing their written test, so I had time to get changed. It was good timing. The test lasted until 11 p.m. Then we were to continue the next day at 12 noon. I got home tired and still a little sick around midnight. I went to bed after eating and washing up.

The next day, Saturday, I woke up around 10-ish and got to the do jang early around 11:45 a.m. The test went from 12 noon to 4 p.m. It was overall a very good test the past two days. Everyone did fairly well. Thus concludes another black belt test. There are now about 16 more black belts added to the do jang this year. I have to say I was happy that I did not need to get up early on Sunday.

Sunday, November 5 I got up early enough for Sunday circle again. I was feeling totally tired and really needed a break. All I could do was hope for a quiet night at WCC and a quiet ritual. Then I found out there was a Steering Committee meeting and election that night at 6 p.m., so I left earlier to make that. It turns out we didn’t have enough people to have a meeting so I was there early and had some time to rest and just putter around before getting dressed as Summoner. Ritual that night was okay. The idea was good, but the execution was a little strange. After ritual, Nathan and I hung out with a friend of mine who is visiting for a few days. I was glad Nathan and him got along. My friend is a very special person. I feel a kinship with him because he is very spiritually connected. Nathan and I got home late that night, but it was a fun night chatting with a friend I don’t see often. On my way home that night, I suddenly felt elated and a weight lifted because my ten-days of going out and not getting any “me” time at home was finally over. 😀 It felt good to get stuff done, but after a while I just don’t feel like being around anyone or doing anything. Thankfully, it wasn’t a full two weeks of craziness.

Yesterday, I was looking forward to some quiet time to myself. I ended up sleeping in late. Then when I was in the bathroom, the fire alarm in the building went off and I heard the landlady telling people to get out of the building. I quickly got dressed, grabbed my purse, my cell phone, my jacket, and slipped on some shoes (slip-on shoes are handy to have around in case of fire), then ran down the stairs. I’m so thankful I live on the third floor. I didn’t even have time to find the cats. They were all hiding under the bed. Anyway, the fire trucks arrived on time and took care of the fire. It seemed to be a smaller fire than the one we had June 2005. I just don’t know why there have been two fires in the past 18 months. People are being careless. It’s just annoying, and makes me nervous about living here. In any case, my day was messed up, and I felt antsy. I ended up staying up last night mostly because I napped for a few hours and woke up at 1 a.m., but also because having a fire that day made me nervous about going to sleep. Thus, I went to sleep in the morning and woke up today late again. This time though, no fire! 🙂

*sigh* Time is running out on me, but I finally got a chance to get some writing done. Hehe. Writing in my journal helps me keep my brain and thoughts organized. I don’t know what I would do without that. Right now, I’m making stew for dinner. Then the next thing I’m going to do is read a bit more. Dinner is almost ready, and I will eat and watch some TV shows. Then hopefully, my brain will work properly and I can think about the rituals I need to write. Once that is done, I need to review my reiki materials again. Loads to do! No wonder my brain just takes a hiatus on me sometimes. I can’t seem to turn off the mental hyperness. At least I’m getting things done.

Okay, I’m starting to feel more relaxed now. Yes, there’s my mind. It doesn’t seem to be floating out in space too much right now. 😀

Brigid’s Flame

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