
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Cassandrah’s Thoughts… on Humility and being Humble

Filed under: General,Paganism and Spirituality — feyMorgaina @ 13:51

Never think you are better than you are, but think you CAN be better.

The above is a thought that came to me when I was thinking of how to achieve humility. My thinking process is this. IF you think you are better than you are, you step out of your proper place and appear to others as being arrogant. You end up needing to be put in your place, so to speak. IF, however, you think you CAN be better, you KNOW your proper place, but only seek to change it by trying to be better. You never step out of your proper place and never appear arrogant to others as you are as good as you think you are and always know you can be better (if you choose to try).

The first state of mind (thinking you are better than you are) has much to do with low self-esteem. You don’t want to see yourself as you are for whatever reason (maybe you fear you don’t like yourself?) The second state of mind (thinking you can be better) reflects a healthy attitude towards yourself. You can see yourself as you are and if there’s something you’re not happy with, you work to better it. That is part of being humble. Knowing yourself and accepting yourself and honestly working to be better (if you choose). You’ll never have to be put in your place.

Never think you are better than you are, but think you CAN be better.

If everyone worked on being humble, it might do this world some good.

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Brigid’s Flame

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