
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Happy Samhain!

Filed under: Astrology,Paganism and Spirituality — feyMorgaina @ 12:12

Samhain (aka the Witches’ New Year) is traditionally celebrated on October 31 through to November 2. The astrological timing of Samhain this year is November 7 at 1:49 a.m. EST. This is also noted as Start of Winter solar segment in the Chinese calendar.

Here are upcoming calendar dates (through to the winter solstice):

November 11 – Popping Trees month in the Lakota calendar
November 16 – new moon at 2:14 p.m. EST
November 17 – start of the 10th lunar month in the Chinese calendar, known as the Pig month in Chinese astrology
November 22 – Light Snow segment in the Chinese calendar (occurs when the Sun enters Sagittarius which according to EST occurs November 21 at 11:22 p.m. or November 22 at 12:22 p.m. Chinese ST)
November 24 – Elder month in Graves’ calendar
November 26 – Tide month in Kondratiev’s calendar
December 2 – full moon at 2:30 a.m. EST; Long Nights Moon (folk name for the full moon)
December 7 – 11th solar month in the Chinese calendar, Heavy Snow segment
December 11 – Hard Freeze month in the Lakota calendar
December 16 – new moon at 7:02 a.m. EST; start of the 11th lunar month in the Chinese calendar, known as the Rat month in Chinese astrology

The winter solstice (aka Yule) occurs on December 21 at 12:47 p.m. EST, when the Sun enters Capricorn. The Chinese calendar notes the Winter Solstice solar segment as occurring on December 22. According to Chinese ST, the Sun enters Capricorn on that day at 12:47 a.m. (I should note here that December 22 is Graves’ Day Apart since I am using his calendar with EST.)

Now we have come to my final blog entry on calendar dates. Thank you for following the past year with me. I will be working on a separate writing project involving calendar dates and astrological events that will require me to divert some of my focus and attention away from this blog, though I will try to keep updates on here about various writing projects on which I am working. Please do return to this blog every so often as writing is no fun without those who read what is written! 🙂

Happy harvesting, merry Yule, and best wishes for future endeavours!


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