
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Update on Bell’s ad about the female body

Filed under: General — feyMorgaina @ 03:15


Nathan (see his link on my page) sent me the following article updating the issue of Bell’s ad on the female body. (Hey, cool, my blog is mentioned!) Is a public apology to be expected?

I have to agree totally that Bell needs to do more to compensate for the damage it has already done. The ads have gone out to thousands of homes and all Bell intends to do is just write letters to the people who complained to them? I’m sorry but I don’t have time to sit on hold on the phone all day waiting to complain to Bell so that they will apologize to me. A public apology is needed. Not just to satisfy those outraged at it’s ad, but to make a statement to others that what Bell did and portrayed in its ad was extremely wrong. Frankly, Bell just wants to get away with a slap on the hand and not totally own up to the consequences of its actions. So much for corporate accountability.

So here’s a message to Bell and all the readers out there. We’re not done yet with you Bell. We want a public apology and in the future more women friendly ads. Next, we’d like to see Bell support sex education.

Well, not yet patting myself on the back. We’ll just have to see what Bell does next.

Your local webmistress

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