
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Spring has sprung and Happy Birthday Nate!

Filed under: General — feyMorgaina @ 00:28


Finally, it’s spring!

I’m a summer child so I’m always looking forward to this time of year. The weather gets a little warmer each day while the sun begins to increase in strength. We get a little more sunlight each day.

The equinox was on Sunday, March 20th, the same day as Nathan‘s (my sweetie’s) birthday. So there was much to celebrate. We ended up heading out for a nice dessert at a good dessert restaurant. Yum! After not having food for a few days and still recovering, the ice cream crepe was a little too sugary for me, however, it was still yummy. Aside from that, much of Sunday was spent taking it easy and enjoying the day. A nice needed rest from the hectic schedule me and my sweetie keep.

I’m still in recovery mode, I’m afraid, so will have to say…

Your local webmistress


Filed under: Paganism and Spirituality — feyMorgaina @ 00:14


It has been a busy weekend starting with my Dedication ritual.

The ritual was an amazing experience. Though I was Handmaiden for three Dedication rituals previously, it is definitely different when it is your own. The answers to 3 of the 5 questions came to me a few nights ago before going to sleep. The other two questions were yes/no questions with the obvious answer being “yes” if one wanted to continue to be Dedicated. Towards the end of the ritual I received my craft name. While I will not reveal my name on here (my personal choice, I was not told to keep it hidden), I will say that it is strangely suitable. It’s from Ancient Greek and already it has given me much to think about, especially how things in my life are strangely falling into place.

After the ritual, I could finally eat! Yay! However, I had consumed quite a bit of alcohol in the ritual (it is part of the ritual actually that I finish drinking the remaining wine in the chalice after pouring a libation) and could only eat a little. I thought I had eaten just enough, however I was wrong. I was a little sick about an hour or two later. Not fun. Well, overall, it was too be expected.

For the most part, the ritual was amazing and the food was good to have again. I have a better appreciation for food, although right now I’m not eating that much yet. It has taken me a few days to recover from the experience as a whole (i.e, the fasting and the ritual). In addition, I have loads of work to catch up on.

Your local webmistress