
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Happy Birthday Nate!

Filed under: General,Paganism and Spirituality — feyMorgaina @ 17:20


Today is Nate’s birthday! Happy birthday! As a birthday present, please go to his website and read his novel, Alice, and his other writing. He’s a wonderful up and coming author.

Today is also spring equinox. Yes, that means that Nate is a spring chicken… er, baby. This means we get double happiness today. Yay! Here’s to a good year ahead.

Brigid’s Flame

Hapkido Training – March 18, 2006

Filed under: Cass' training blog - martial arts, weights, running — feyMorgaina @ 13:35


Nathan and I went to my friend’s special hapkido training class at Deep Impactx. It was a good training session. We practiced some front falls and back falls. We also practiced some hapkido kicks, which are slightly different from taekwondo kicks. The kicks in hapkido are focused more on attacks to the lower body. Then we did a few hapkido self-defence techniques. We also did some breathing exercises and a little bit of meditation before and after class.

My friend is an excellent teacher with a background in a variety of martial arts from taekwondo to aikido as well as many different weapons techniques. To anyone interested in learning some practical self-defence, I would definitely recommend taking one of these classes. (Just click on the above link for more information.)

Brigid’s Flame