
An ever-changing life inspired by the pneuma


Brigid’s Flame site update

Filed under: General,Paganism and Spirituality — feyMorgaina @ 01:15


I have once again gotten around to updating my website by adding a few pages and modifying another. I’m very pleased to present some of my creative writing under the section “Spiritual Development”. The page “Creative Expression for Spiritual Growth” has been re-written (the former page is now “Visual Art for Spiritual Growth“) and from there you will be able to follow the links to my visual artwork and my creative writing. The creative writing section is new. Please check out this new section by going to and follow the links to “creative writing”. I hope you enjoy it.

Brigid’s Flame

Do jang and gym day – March 21 and 22, 2006

Filed under: Cass' training blog - martial arts, weights, running — feyMorgaina @ 01:06


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I went to the do jang for gumdo and taekwondo. After taekwondo, I headed to the gym to meet Nathan for our weight training workout.

Leg lifts
Pull-ups (again military and parallel)
Leg press
Hamstring flexor (called seated leg curls)
Hip adductors
Hip abductors
Chest press
Bar pulls (works the muscles next to the scapulae on the back)
Seated row
Shoulder fly
Shoulder lift
Tricep extensor
Back extensor
Stomach curls

Free weights:
Pectoral fly (lie down with weight in each hand, arms extended; pull hands together at arm’s length in front of chest)
Bicep curl
Two shoulder exercises (no idea what they are called; someone showed them to me)
Wrist strengthening

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I went to the do jang for taekwondo. I ended up helping the red belts practice all their patterns. After, I did the regular class. My knee was acting up for some reason, so I decided it was best to skip the half hour “crazy kicking class” (yes, it’s really called that) and go home and get some rest. There is no point in stressing out my knee and I probably need to go for a run again soon.

Brigid’s Flame